About Us

Gopi Knitting relies on its strengths to bring innovation to the value of its history and experience.

Why Choose Us

The Gopi Knitting is into the business of textiles since 1996, It started the business with manufacturing of fabrics on power looms working on all types of fabric qualities in cotton and synthetic base as per the market demands, later the group came up with a machines Surat, where in they do the work for the reputed brands.

After this as the family members joined the business at the group directors increased their vision into setting up of fabric processing unit for synthetic fabrics in Surat, India and the growth continued where in with their team efforts they were able to increase the production and quality standards with their services.

An objective that the Company pursues, aligning its activities to those ethical principles and values declined into the Gopi Knitting, formally adopted by its Board of Directors, since Gopi Knitting is convinced that the achievement of business aims cannot be deemed without respecting fundamentals values.

What Makes Us Special?

  • Extensive range of quality products
  • Sophisticated technology
  • Competitive price
  • Reputed market image
  • In-house testing labs/R&D centre
  • Timely delivery frame
  • Transparent in business deals
  • Upholding global standards

Our Vision

To satisfy the client’s needs and provide customized quality raw products within the set time frame. “You Think We Create”

Our Mission

We aim to be the world class organization producing diverse range of products for the global textile market. We seek to achieve customer delight through excellence in manufacturing and customer service based on creative combination of state of the art technology and human resources.