About Us

Win-Win Textiles is a sourcing and consultancy company servicing European and American brands in the apparel industry, footwear industry and within production of accessories. Manufacturing is concentrated in Portugal and India, where our local organizations perform a full service from R&D to final inspection of ready made garments, shoes and related products.

Who We Are

Win-Win Textiles was founded in 1957 by Mr Henrik Gøtterup as an apparel sourcing company, servicing Scandinavian brands within production in Asia. We have sourced production in Portugal since the early 1970s and have over the years built up a strong and well tested network of manufacturing partners in the two countries, where we have concentrated sourcing today: Portugal and India.

Win-Win Textiles works as an integrated part of our customers' buying organizations. We function as the local team in the production country and have quick and secure processes, which guarantee a continuous improvement in quality within:

  • design, development of collections and manufacturing
  • sourcing, technical assistance, quality assurance and consulting
  • communication, tracking and schedule sharing

Our experienced staff plays an important role in supporting our customers' organizations with technical assistance in relation to fabric development, choice of material, sewing techniques and production planning.

We believe in win-win relationships and our core corporate values: Creativity, Transparency, Flexibility and Speed are always present in the daily activities.


Win-Win Textiles designs the services around a customer after a deep analysis of the brand positioning, competitive situation, strategy and the vision of the brand. We recommend the ideal manufacturers in view of price, speed, quality level, product categories and production volume.

A product developer and a merchandiser will be assigned to your account; ensuring easy communication and a constant focus on the work you decide to place with Win-Win Textiles. The assigned staff work as your office in the production country and they represent your eyes and will specialize in your needs.

We are used to working with comprehensive manuals and will report to our customers as they wish.

Besides our production and development services, Win-Win Textiles offers other consulting services and can help your brand create a vendor manual, form policies on CSR, implement routines to secure legislation is complied with at your vendors, train your staff in technical production aspects or help create a sourcing strategy.

Win-Win Textiles has also developed a simple, effective concept of consultancy services, which we offer to manufacturers.

We offer programs to make manufacturers more market oriented; determine their competitiveness, the quality of products and services in relation to the price and today's market conditions. Comprehensive studies of the organization are done, where we focus on the manufacturer's strengths and opportunities and help build up the core corporate story. Win-Win Textiles helps manufacturers organize around their customers and the communication flow to minimize response hours and secure excellent customer service.


Win-Win Textiles is always searching for new manufacturers with special skills, quality in products and services, flexibility, creativity, transparency and speed in production of apparel products, footwear, leather products and accessories.

We are focused on production in Portugal and India and will favour new vendors from these countries as well as manufacturers, who hold CSR or environmental certifications.

If you are interested in offering your production possibilities to Win-Win Textiles, please send us information about your manufacturing facilities, the market segment you service and a thorough company profile.

You can e-mail us at nainesh@win-win.info.

We would be pleased to hear from you and will respond with comments to all inquiries.